A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense and is thereby a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. -Ansel Adams
Eager once said that photography is the art of creating stories of your view of the world. I tell my stories by taking the scenes frozen in time and adjusting them to achieve images that render directly from my imagination. I see most of my digital images as creations that tell unique stories. A flower has a meaning that is hidden in the structure of its petals. A picture of a bird evokes a feeling of freedom or rebirth.
The photos can be printed on any material, framed or unframed, and delivered to your door. For more info, check my --- Print on Demand page--->>>danuta-bennett.pixels.com

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent -Victor Hugo.
The images, however silent, vibrate with their own frequency create unique music that can be heard inside you; it makes you feel differently, resonates with you, so never underestimate still images.
The Alchemy is a seemingly magical process of transformation. Step back into the images of an old laboratory. From hourglass, antique glass bottles to counting qualities of an abacus and hourglass measures the passing time. These images take you on a nostalgic scientific journey. The playfulness of the light and shadow creates a mysterious atmosphere.
True alchemy lies in this formula: Your memory and your senses are but the nourishment of your creative impulse - Arthur Rimbaud, Illuminations.
I developed a real fascination for architecture. The differences and the similarities of shapes, lines, and structural elements... the individual fight with natural elements... so personal for each building. It is like entering the lost world of wonders.
Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art - Ansel Adams.
Flowers are not just a group of petals gathered together; flowers speak a story. They can represent innocence, seduction, or powerful emotions. My series of flower images were inspired by the beauty hidden within each flower. When I photograph or create an image, I feel like I am getting to know the flower's personality. Each of them tells me a unique story. The energy that constructs that delicate beauty is lively, ever-changing, constantly reinventing itself.